
Plus belle la vie!!!

Okay, so I know I'm in Spain and I should be writing about what I'm doing, but I found something on nytimes.com this morning that I couldn't resist bringing to everyone's attention.

Melting Pot of Melodrama Enthralls France

I haven't read the whole article, because I was so excited to see this in the New York Times, of all places. In France now there is an incredibly popular nightly soap opera called Plus belle la vie. My host mom and I watch it every night either during or after dinner.

Plus belle la vie
is remarkable for several reasons. First, it's the first major French TV show that is set in Marseille, as opposed to Paris. For people in the South, this is important because for a long time Marseille was seen as dirty, crooked, and not at all refined like Paris. The show highlights some nefarious activities, but it also shows the nice parts of the city. I've actually walked by the bar that the design of the show's bar is based on.

Also, just in general, there aren't many French TV shows. Instead, they show a lot of dubbed American, British, or even German series. So they know Dr. House, ER, and most of the criminal drama shows. The only other well known, all-French series I've come across is 'Un gars, une fille,' a goofy comedy about a bickering French couple.

Finally, Plus belle la vie is scandalous. I've seen episodes about the trafficking (is that how you spell it? sorry) of illegals into France, racism, and homosexuality. Especially on those last two counts, the French prefer not to talk about certain things.

Read the article! Let me know what you think. I'm actually going to be behind on the plot since I'm missing three days of it this week. Oh no!
A bientôt!
Maggie B.

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